Tagalog Poems

Mga Tula!!! (Poems!) Tulang Pilipino:Recently started a new section on Tagalog Lang for students interested in learning Tagalog poems. Now working on a list of famous Filipino poets and a glossary of poetry terms with English-Tagalog translations. 

Tagalog for 'Happy New Year'

Media Noche is the midnight meal that Filipinos have as part of the celebrations welcoming the New Year. Do give your Filipino friends a New Year's greeting in Tagalog! 

Happy New Year in Tagalog

The New Year of 2009 is just a few days away. I'm on a mission is to get everyone to learn how to say "Happy New Year" in Tagalog.

How to Say Happy New Year in Tagalog



Tagalog Holiday Phrases

Wouldn't it be a thoughtful gesture to add some Tagalog words and phrases on the greeting cards and gifts you've prepared for Filipino friends? Here are a few Tagalog greetings you can use: https://tinyurl.com/TagGreet

Maligayang Pasko!

- TagalogLang.com